MDWMI and Wayne Pharmaceuticals

The M. D. Whitest Medical Institute is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization that partners with local businesses and organizations to improve the lives of citizens in Cordele/Crisp County and greater Southwest Georgia.


The Institute is the non-profit arm of Wayne Pharmaceuticals, Incorporated, a biomedical pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution company. Our major areas of focus include:

  1. Improving the health ranking, namely morbidity and mortality rates, of Southwest Georgia citizens from the bottom 10% of Georgia Counties to the top 10% in the next five years.

  2. Supporting economic development initiatives that create jobs and that lower the unemployment rate from 11% to less than 4% in 24 months. Special emphasis will go toward the support of biomedical research and manufacturing businesses in this community.

  3. Reducing the looming high school drop rate to a rate less than 10% within the next five years. We hope to achieve this by encouraging innovative educa-tional ideas that will create students pathways for successful high school completion and post-secondary education such as college or vocational school.


The M. D. Whitest Institute partners with the following local organizations in Cordele – Crisp County to help achieve its objectives of healthcare, economic development, and education.

  1. HGB Food Ministries: To provide much needed low cost and free food services to indigent citizens as well as citizens on fixed income.

  2. Wayne Pharmaceuticals: To assist in supporting the economic development of biomedical manufacturing businesses that will create high paying jobs for citizens in the Cordele/Crisp area.

  3. Operation BICOH, Inc.: To promote moral and performance character to help orient under-privileged students in Southwest Georgia to successfully complete high school and post-secondary education.

Pharmacutical and Community Partners, MD Whitest Medical Institute